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Messaging: Send a Message
Judd Bobin avatar
Written by Judd Bobin
Updated over 9 months ago

This is why you picked Tatango so you can start sending messages to your subscribers!

When you are ready to send a message just click the button that says New Message. The screen will show you an option for SMS or MMS. In both message types you will find the following items:

  • Shorten URL - If you are sending a link in the message, make sure to use the Shorten URL button. This will reduce the characters used and more importantly, enable link tracking. This will allow you to see the click-through rate of your message.

  • Merge Tag - If you wish to customize your message with subscriber data (such as first name or zip code) use the Merge Tag button. Select where you would like the merge tag in the message then click the Merge Tag button. It will provide a drop down of options or you can start typing the field name, then select the option to wish to use.

  • Coupon Code Group - This is used by retail organizations to provide coupon codes to their consumers.

Once your message is ready, you can choose to Send Now or Schedule the send time. To schedule a message, simply select Schedule. Options for scheduling the message will appear. You can also Save as Draft if you would like to come back to it later or have someone else review it.

At the bottom of the page you will see options to Send to entire list or Send to segment(s) within the list. When you click to segment you can follow the directions to match any or all. You can target multiple segments, if needed. Click Add a Segment then add all the parameters for the segmentation. You will see the number of subscribers within your segmentation as you begin to narrow the parameters.

At the very bottom you will see Message Name (Required) which is only visible to your Tatango users, not subscribers. This can be used as a tool to organize your messages. You can name the messages if you want.


If you want to send a plain text message (SMS), enter the message into the space provided. You will have 150 characters available in the message. You will see when you start typing that Stop2End will appear at the bottom of the message. This is added to all messages as a carrier requirement. Spaces do count as a character. You can not use any font options or emojis with SMS.


With MMS you have more options for crafting messages. You can enter a Subject which will show at the top of the message. The subject line appears differently on iOS and Android devices, as well as differently in different messaging applications. On an iOS device the subject will show in its own bubble and will be bold. On an Android device, it will show "Subject: " as part of the message. MMS allows you to use various Unicode fonts and standard emojis. You can add GIFs, videos and pictures using the sizing recommendations to ensure a clear message. When sending a MMS message, an SMS fallback message is required for phones that do not accept MMS. This message has a 110 character limit.

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