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Stop Send on Scheduled Messages

This article will review how to stop a subscriber timezone message.

Judd Bobin avatar
Written by Judd Bobin
Updated over 9 months ago

There will be times when you need to stop a scheduled message that is already in the process of sending. This will be possible if the message is being sent based on My Subscriber Timezone and there are subscribers outside your account based timezone. The subscriber timezone is based on one of two parameters.

  1. Zip Code - If you are gathering the subscribers zip code, then the send will be based on their zip code not the area code.

  2. Area Code - If you are not collecting zip code, then the send will be based on the subscriber phone number area code.

Before we get into how to stop the send there are some things you need to know.

  • You cannot stop a message that is sending to a specific timezone. Ex: If your account is based in CST and you schedule a message to send in 1 hour then it will start sending to EST and you cannot stop that timezone if you click the stop button. You will stop sends to CST, MST and PST only.

  • When you click the button to stop sending the message will stay in the sent folder and show the sending detail under View Report.

  • A copy of the message will be placed in the draft messages folder.

  • You will not be able to see which subscribers did not receive the message.

  • You will need to segment by either:

    • using zip code or state to remove the subscribers that already received the message.

    • you can also export the subscriber list from the sent message and add a tag into the system for those subscribers to remove them from the updated message

  • Any user that has access to the list can stop the sending.

  • You will be able to see the details of the stop send by clicking View Report and it will show Canceled By and the Finished Date will show when it was canceled.

  • The button will no longer be available when the message has finished sending. When the message has been sent or when the user clicks the stop sending button, the button will no longer be available.

Now let's show you how to stop a scheduled message that has started sending.

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