Merge tags are powerful tools that personalize messages by dynamically inserting subscriber information. However, sometimes the information associated with a merge tag may not be available. In such cases, it's essential to set fallbacks to ensure a seamless experience for your recipients.
To set a merge tag fallback to "blank" (meaning no text will appear if the associated information is unavailable), follow these steps:
Delete Default Fallback:
Click on the merge tag within your message.
Delete the default fallback text (e.g., "friend" for the First Name merge tag).
Save your changes.
Manually Edit Merge Tag:
Alternatively, you can manually edit the merge tag in the editor.
Erase the fallback that follows the pipe symbol (|).
Save your changes.
Add a Space:
If you prefer, you can simply add a space after the pipe symbol (|) following the merge tag.
This will ensure that there is a visual gap if the associated information is missing.
Supported Variations of Fallbacks:
Default: Default merge tag fallback for that particular merge tag is used (e.g. "friend")
Blank: No text appears if the merge tag information is unavailable.
Space: Adds a space if the merge tag information is unavailable.
Custom: You can also specify custom fallback text to display instead of the subscriber's information.