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Double Opt-In

Create a double opt-in for your text message marketing list. Learn more about the SMS marketing double opt-in feature from Tatango.

Judd Bobin avatar
Written by Judd Bobin
Updated over a week ago


  • Select the list you wish to create a single opt-in for by clicking the Manage button from your list of list on the dashboard.

  • Click "Settings" in the list navigation bar in the top right hand corner of your list homescreen.

  • From the "Settings" drop-down, select "Mobile Opt-in".

  • Confirm that "Double Opt-In" has been selected.

  • Enter your desired keyword in the field below "Keyword".

  • Decide what type of data (zip code, first name, email, y or yes) you're interested in collecting from new subscribers before they're allowed to subscribe. When you've decided, select that data type from the drop-down menu in the "Request for Information" box in the left hand column.

  • In the same box, enter a message in the field provided that indicates to new subscribers that you need them to reply with the requested data for they're able to subscribe to the list. This is something usually along the lines of "Please reply with your [data type] to opt-in."

  • In the right hand column, you'll find a box that says "Success". Under "Opt-In Message", enter a message to subscribers, which they'll receive immediately when they opt-in. This is usually something along the lines of "Welcome to our mobile club." This is not to be used for any special offers or promotions, as that should be done in a scheduled message to new subscribers.

  • In that same "Success" box, in the field for "Second Time Opt-In Message", enter a message to subscribers that have previously unsubscribed, and are re-subscribing. They'll receive this message immediately when they opt-in. This is usually something along the lines of "Welcome back to our mobile club." This is not to be used for any special offers or promotions, as that should be done in a scheduled message to new subscribers.

  • Below the "Success" box in the right hand column, you'll find a box titled "Fail (Retry)". This is where you enter a message that will be sent to subscribers that have replied to your request for a certain type of data, but the data they've provided is invalid. This can happen when you request a zip code, but they reply with an email address, or you request an email address, but the format of the email address is invalid. This message is usually something along the lines of "Whoops, that's not a valid [data type], please reply again with a valid [data type]."

  • Below the "Fail (Retry)" box in the right hand column, you'll find a box titled "No Response". This box provides the option for you to send a reminder to subscribers that have not replied with the requested data after a certain period of time. If you wish to activate this reminder, select the "Follow up with reminder" checkbox. In the "Follow up after X hours after no response" field, enter the amount of hours after no response from a subscriber you'd like this message to be sent. In the message field, enter the reminder message. This is usually something along the lines of "I'm sorry, we haven't received your [data type]. Please reply with your [data type] to opt-in."

  • Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen.

Text Message Examples

A) Successful double opt-in

  • SMS Keyword: Subscribe

  • Request for Information Data Type: Zip Code

  • Request for Information Message: Please enter your zip code to complete your subscription process.

  • Opt-In Message: Congrats you have been subscribed!


B) Invalid double opt-in data request

  • SMS Keyword: Subscribe

  • Request for Information Data Type: Zip Code

  • Fail (Retry): Whoops! That wasn't a valid zip code. Please enter a valid 5 digit zip code to complete your subscription process.


C) No response to double opt-in request

  • SMS Keyword: Subscribe

  • Request for Information Data Type: Zip Code

  • No Response Message: It looks like we still haven't gotten your zip code yet. Please enter a valid 5 digit zip code to complete your subscription process.


Additional Notes

  • A customer is not subscribed to your list until they've successfully completed the double opt-in process. You will not see a customer's mobile phone number in your subscriber database until they've successfully completed the double opt-in process.

  • If you're looking to collect more than one piece of subscriber information during the opt-in process, please see this post.

  • Wherever you display your short code for recurring lists, you must include the text 'By participating, you consent to receive recurring autodialed SMS/MMS marketing msgs. No purchase required. Msg&data rates may apply. Terms & conditions/privacy policy apply [link to your T&C/Privacy page].'

  • When using Zip Code as the double opt-in for Data Collection, the response from the subscriber must be in one of two zip code formats or the system will respond with an error message asking the user to try again. The formats are ##### and #####-####.

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