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Single Opt-In

Create a single opt-in for your text message marketing campaign. Learn more about the SMS marketing single opt-in feature from Tatango.

Judd Bobin avatar
Written by Judd Bobin
Updated over 3 years ago


  • Select the campaign you wish to create a single opt-in for by clicking the Manage button from your list of campaigns on the campaign dashboard.

  • Click "Settings" in the campaign navigation bar in the top right hand corner of your campaign homescreen.

  • From the "Settings" drop down, select "Mobile Opt-in".

  • Confirm that "Single Opt-In" has been selected.

  • Enter your desired keyword in the field below "Keyword".

  • In the field for "Opt-In Message", enter a message to subscribers, which they'll receive immediately when they opt-in. This is usually something along the lines of "Welcome to our mobile club." This is not to be used for any special offers or promotions, as that should be done in a scheduled message to new subscribers.

  • In the field for "Second Time Opt-In Message", enter a message to subscribers that have previously unsubscribed, and are re-subscribing. They'll receive this message immediately when they opt-in. This is usually something along the lines of "Welcome back to our mobile club." This is not to be used for any special offers or promotions, as that should be done in a scheduled message to new subscribers.

  • Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen.

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