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Subscriber Report

Download or export a copy of all your SMS list subscribers to an Excel file. Learn more about this text message marketing feature.

Judd Bobin avatar
Written by Judd Bobin
Updated over a week ago


  1. In your account go to Reports in the tabs on the top of the page

  2. Select Subscriber Report on the list on the left

  3. You will have options listed at the top to select the parameters of your report:

    1. List: You can only run the report for one list at a time.

    2. Subscriber Status: This will provide you the option to select one or a mix of Subscribed, Unsubscribed and Cleaned for the status of the subscriber. It will default to Subscribed only.

    3. Date Range: Select the provided date range you would like for the report. It will default to All Time.

    4. Subscriber Tags: If you would only like to pull the report for specific subscriber tags you can select in this option. It will default to none.

  4. Once completed select Run Report red button.

  5. This will take you to the downloads page which you can find under My Account > Downloads if you need to go back at any time to reference the reports created. Once the report is completed running you can click the Download Report button.

Additional Notes

  • The downloaded file will include a list all subscribers past and present. Each subscriber has a current status and you can also see when a subscriber joined and if they have left, when.

Search Keywords

  • export, csv, excel

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