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Short Code GIF Specifications
Judd Bobin avatar
Written by Judd Bobin
Updated over 4 months ago

For more information on sending MMS messages and formats for videos and static images, click here.

To create an optimal animated image (GIF) follow the steps below:

  1. First, use the animated image format photo below and to choose whether you would like to create a portrait, square, or landscape animated image.

  2. Once you've decided on the GIF size, use the animated image specifications table below to discover what dimensions you need to create your desired animated image. For example, to create a square GIF, use the dimensions, 1080px x 1080px.

  3. Once the image is created, make sure the file format is .GIF and less than 600 KB.

  4. Test your GIF before sending it to your list.

Animated Image (GIF) Format

Animated Image Specifications


GIF Dimensions

File Format

File Size




Less than 600 KB




Less than 600 KB




Less than 600 KB

Recommended Dimensions (Portrait/Vertical)
480px wide by 720px tall (low animation)
480px wide by 640px tall (high animation)

Recommended Dimensions (Square)
640px wide by 640px tall (low animation)
480px wide by 480px tall (high animation)


Does Tatango support animated PNG files?

Animated images should be in .gif format. Animated PNG is not supported.

How many frames should a GIF consist of?

Animated gifs should consist of no more than 15-30 frames.

What frame speed should my GIF be?

When creating the animated image, you do not want the animation too quick or video-ish, because the more layers that are including in the image, the larger the file size will be. We recommend creating your animated image with a frame speed no faster than one every half second.

Can my GIF be transparent?

Animated images should have no transparency. Transparency does not work in some devices MMS players and the transparent layer will appear black.

Does Tatango change the frame speed or number of frames?

When transcoding an animated gif we do not change the number of frames, frame speed, or cut the image. We will reduce the dimensions of the animated gif by 25% and 50%. We will also apply compression to the animated gif. The results of our compression will vary based on the number of colors and compression you have already applied to your source animated gif.

Should I test my GIF before I send it?

Always test your animated gif before sending it to your list.

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