What is Donation Tracking?
Donation tracking allows you to easily see the number of donations and total donation amount from your text messages when linking to a FundraiseUp donation form. In addition, doing so unlocks valuable segmenting capabilities such as targeting only donors, donors that donated more than $50 or subscribers that haven't donated in 6 months.
When this feature is enabled, you will see a Donation section in the message report (including Donation Count and Total Donation Amount).
You will also be able to see a Raised column in the Sent Message tab.
How to Enable Donation Tracking
To be able to track donations, your text message link to a FundraiseUp donation form MUST include UTM parameters.
Example of FundraiseUp URL without UTM parameters:
βExample of FundraiseUp URL with UTM parameters: https://www.SampleCharity.org?form=main&utm_source=tatango&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=2024MarchAppeal
If UTM parameters are included, your text message report will show the number of donations and total donation amount. Note: Tatango and FundraiseUp integrations sync hourly so donation data will be updated hourly in your message report.
If you need assistance building your UTM parameters, you can use these sites:
Final Step to Enable Donation Tracking
Click the Settings tab > General
Under Donation Link Tracking click the Enable Donation Link Tracking radio button
Click Save Changes