This process involves configuration in Tatango and then the assistance of ActBlue.
In Tatango App
Navigate to My Account -> Integrations
Click the All Apps tab
Click ‘Configure’ on ActBlue
By default, the integration is named ActBlue. If you would like to rename it, you may, although Tatango recommends NOT renaming it unless it is an additional ActBlue integration. Click ‘Continue’.
Select the list to add new subscribers to from the drop down.
Click Next
On this screen you are able to decide whether you want subscribers tagged with refcodes. If you do, check the box. Otherwise leave it unchecked.
Click Next
Map the ActBlue fields on the left hand side to the Tatango fields on the right hand side. The recommended fields to map are:
Click Next
Copy the webhook URL and put it aside. This will be used for the ActBlue portion of the integration.
ActBlue Assistance
Login to your ActBlue dashboard
Under the ‘Tools’ section, click ‘Webhooks Integrations’
Click ‘Request a new webhook’
For type, select ‘ActBlue Default’
Enter in the required information
We recommend using ‘Tatango’ plus today’s date as the Nickname for the webhook.
Copy and paste the webhook URL from Step 9 above.
For username/password, use your Tatango credentials.
DO NOT BACKFILL - The integration will only add subscribers who’ve donated in the last day. If you need to backfill subscribers, please reach out to your customer success manager directly.
Click ‘Submit Request’