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Build a Custom Integration

Use the Tatango API to build a custom integration with Tatango. Learn more about this text message marketing custom integration solution.

Judd Bobin avatar
Written by Judd Bobin
Updated over 3 years ago

If you're looking to build a custom integration with Tatango, you'll want to use the Tatango API. The Tatango API is designed for developers, engineers, or anyone else who’s comfortable creating custom-coded solutions or integrating with RESTful APIs.

Tatango's API documentation can be found here: 

If you're not a developer, engineer, or you're not someone who’s comfortable creating custom-coded solutions or integrating with RESTful APIs, then we recommend checking out Zapier.

Zapier allows non-developers to easily connect Tatango to over 1,000 other software services. The best part is that it's super simple, and only requires you have a Tatango API key, which you can learn how to get here.

More information on Zapier and how it works with Tatango, can be found here.

In addition, speak with the Customer Success Team, as we have periodically done custom integrations for select services.

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